Surrogacy Motherhood

Surrogacy in Singapore 18.05.2022

Surrogacy in Singapore

Surrogacy is a hot topic in modern society. Society is controversial about its attitudes towards the surrogacy process and so are entire countries, which either prohibit it altogether or impose numerous restrictions on the provision of services for conceiving and bearing children from donated biological material.
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Surrogacy in Argentina 27.01.2022

Surrogacy in Argentina

Surrogacy in Argentina is not prohibited by law, but a clear legal framework that would regulate the use of this method of infertility treatment has not been created. The government is working to legalize surrogacy in Argentina without financial remuneration.
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Surrogacy and IVF for famous people 21.01.2022

Surrogacy and IVF for famous people

Do not be afraid to take part in surrogacy programs! No one is immune from infertility, both ordinary people and celebrities in show business, sports and politics. When it comes to parenting and raising your own child, all methods are good.
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IVF – Vanishing Twin Syndrome 30.12.2021

IVF – Vanishing Twin Syndrome

To increase the IVF procedure success rate, multiple embryos transfer is used.That’s why the likelihood of multiple pregnancies increases. However, it happens that only 1 baby is born, which may be due to the disappearance of one of the twins due to an intrauterine anomaly.
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Acupuncture in assisted reproductive technologies 27.12.2021

Acupuncture in assisted reproductive technologies

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment by which the biologically active points of the human body are pressed by the special needles. Reflexology is considered alternative medicine, but many doctors recognize its effectiveness and prescribe it along with traditional therapy to improve its effect.
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Surrogacy and twins 14.06.2021

Surrogacy and twins

Young parents often dream of a large family with twins. Because, they believe that having given birth to two children once, they will be able to relax and fulfill all desires about motherhood. After all, then, their children will grow, develop and play together, which contributes to the child's socialization, since there is no age difference.
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Chorionic gonadotropin 07.05.2021

Chorionic gonadotropin

Chorionic gonadotropin or, as doctors like to abbreviate, HCG is one of the most important sex hormones in a woman's body, which is the first laboratory sign of pregnancy. Therefore, it is also known under the name "pregnancy hormone", because it is produced by the chorion after a week of ovulation and 1-2 days after egg implantation.
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Surrogacy pros and cons 05.05.2021

Surrogacy pros and cons

Surrogacy is one of the main achievements of humanity. Throughout history, infertility has been a common problem throughout the world. Every sixth woman cannot have children for medical reasons, and it is not surprising that more and more families are choosing this type of fertilization.
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