Surrogacy program comparison
On this page you can find a comparative table of surrogate motherhood programs that are conducted by our agency. The table has a number of abbreviations that are worth focusing on:
- SM – A surrogate mother is a woman of childbearing age who has agreed to carry and give birth to a child from genetic parents on a paid or free basis and who does not claim to be the mother of this child
- IVF – In vitro fertilization is the process of fertilizing eggs with sperm outside the body
- PGD – Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis is the diagnosis of human embryos created with IVF for genetic mutations
- ET – Embryo transfer is an embryo transfer procedure using a thin catheter through the cervix into the uterine cavity
- ED – Egg donor is a woman who voluntarily offers her oocytes for reproductive use.
Comparative table of surrogacy programs
1. Preparation of Clients for the program
Related translation services.
Provision of information about the agency and clinic.
Familiarization with information on the use of assisted reproductive technologies in Ukraine in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated September 9, 2013 No. 787.
Preparation of a complete set of documents of Clients, and its translation.
Accompaniment and confirmation of Clients under the program in the medical center.
Provision of contractual documentation on the program to the Clients.
2. Preparation of the SM for the program:
Search, selection, medical examination of SM and compensation of associated costs.
Legal inspection of the civil status of the SM and preparation of a package of documents for participation in the program, in accordance with the jurisdiction of the country of the Clients.
Conducting Skype interviews with surrogate mother
Preparation of a contract with a surrogate mother and its notarization
3. Egg donor for the program
Providing access to the ED catalog for selecting an individual donor and obtaining donor eggs for one IVF cycle. The candidate from the catalog can be selected due to following features: height, weight, hair and eye color, nose shape, and other. Reservations, medical examinations, preparation and fee for oocyte donor.
4. Visit to Kyiv to prepare “IVF cycle within SM program”
The meeting of the Couples at the airport by the Kyiv – clinic – notary – airport.
Comfortable accommodation for 2 days and 2 nights, including all the necessary amenities: WiFi, kitchen, refrigerator, bathroom, bedroom for rest etc.
Services of an interpreter
Provision of a mobile phone with a SIM card of the Ukrainian operator (for communication via the Internet application).
Three meals a day in a restaurant (breakfast, lunch, dinner) without alcoholic beverages.
A visit to the IVMED clinic to the doctor responsible for the program to receive medical consultation, examination / delivery of biological material samples, and medical documentation for treatment under the SM program.
Notary certification of translation of the documents of the Couples necessary for participation in the SM program (passports, marriage certificate, medical certificate).
Preparation and notarization of the contract with a surrogate mother
Registration of a notarized Power of Attorney from the Clients for the right to sign an agreement with SM.
5. IVF+ICSI Stage
Sperm preparation
Informing about the stages of organization and implementation of the program: preparation of the ED for egg retrieval, preparation of SM for ET, provision of information on IVF.
Preapration of ED with full medical support for egg retrieval.
IVF + ICSI and embryo cultivation.
PGD on 5 chromosomes
PGD on 9 chromosomes
PGD on 24 chromosomes
Cryopreservation and storage of embryos.
6. Embryo Transfer Stage
Preparation of a surrogate mother with full medical support for embryo transfer, payment for her transportation, food costs
Sex selection of the embryo before ET.
Transfer of embryo / embryos with full medical support for pregnancy.
Analysis: urine test on 11th day after embryo transfer.
Analysis: hCG on day 14 after embryo transfer.
Analysis: Ultrasound on day 28 after embryo transfer.
Surrogate mother’s pregnancy monitoring by medical specialists. Drug provision and adjustment of medication intake.
Providing translation of medical records: transfer protocol and test results.
7. Management of pregnancy
Services of surrogate mother’s coordinator. Control and supervision of the medical management of a surrogate mother’s pregnancy (ultrasounds, examinations and tests).
Payment of a monthly surrogate mother’s compensation.
Translation support of communication between a surrogate mother and a couple at the stage of pregnancy management using Skype – at the discretion of the Clients, considering the interests of the surrogate mother.
Information support of the Clients and SM.
Organization and payment of all trabsfers of SM related to the program.
Providing medical insurance for a surrogate mother in case of an unforeseen situation during pregnancy or at birth that will be issued from the 12th week of pregnancy.
Providing SM with housing in Kyiv from the 32nd week of pregnancy.
A full range of examinations and medications of a surrogate mother to maintain a healthy pregnancy.
Medical support of a surrogate mother in case of any problems related to the health of the SM and child during pregnancy.
Medical support of a surrogate mother and child during the pregnancy with all the necessary tests and medical preparations.
Translation of medical documentation for the SM pregnancy.
Registration of a surrogate mother at the maternity hospital from the 36th week of pregnancy
8. Visit of Couple for childbirth and preparation of documents for departure of the child / children
Booking accommodation for the Couple (by prior request for the selected type of housing).
Providing airport transfer – Kyiv – maternity hospital – Registry office – DNA test – clinic – Embassy – visits to the pediatrician / for vaccines / – airport.
Providing a smartphone with a Ukrainian SIM card and connected Internet for the entire period of the visit.
Fluorography to the Clients to meet the requirements of their stay in the hospital.
Organization, information support and coordination of the entire period of the visit of the Clients.
Payment of childbirth and all payments to the medical staff of the maternity hospital.
Organization, coordination and support of the childbirth.
Medical support (medicines and services of doctors) in case of any problems related to the health of the SM and the child / children till the childbirth for the period of stay in the hospital / maternity hospital (excluding caesarean section).
Аccompaniment and translation services for the Clients in the maternity hospital (personal presence or by phone).
Presence at childbirth.
Private room for the Clients in the hospital
Medicines and assistance of doctors in case of transfer of a child to the intensive care unit.
Paperwork on discharge from the maternity hospital of a child, biological parents and a surrogate mother.
Individual transfers of Biological Parents on the day of discharge from the hospital/ maternity hospital to the apartment.
Providing children’s stuff during the stay in Kyiv including baby bath, sterilizer, baby cot, scale and stroller for a child.
Payment of surrogate mother’s fee.
Pediatrician after discharging a child from a maternity hospital / hospital (approximately once every 2 weeks or if the child is ill).
DNA test for confirmation of paternity at the International Laboratory of Medical Genomics (England, London)
Preparation and Apostilization of surrogate mother’s documents required for registration of documents on departure of the child.
Preparation of documents for registration of a birth certificate of a child / children stating the names of the Clients.
Preparing the set of documents for the Consulate/Embassy, their translation, notarization and Apostilization.
Transfers of Clients with the child to the pediatrician.
Transfers of Clients with a child to the Embassy / Consulate.
Organization of language translations for biological parents in Ukrainian state institutions (if necessary).
Translation of a child health card from a maternity hospital.
Transfers of Clients with the child to the airport.
9. Extra costs, for which additional funds are made in case of their occurrence or necessity
Cryopreservation and storage of embryos
Cryopreservation of sperm
Storage of cryopreserved sperm
Extra payment for caesarean section
Extra payment for the birth of twins
Additional payment in case of necessity of abortion due to medical reasons, or miscarriage or missed abortion or the birth of a dead child
Surrogate mother’s compensation for ectopic pregnancy
Surrogate mother’s compensation for surgical interventions associated with complications during pregnancy and / or childbirth
Surrogate mother’s compensation for the loss of the uterus, the loss of any organ (including the uterus or fallopian tube), part of the organ or disability
The waiting period for a SM to participate in the program without medical reasons and at the request or personal decision of the Clients
Additional repeated ET of the existing embryos (cryoprotocol)
Additional IVF + ICSI with own eggs, including the preparation of a surrogate mother with complete medical support for embryo transfer (in the embryos run out) without PGD
Additional IVF + ICSI with a donor egg cell including preparation of a surrogate mother with full medical support for embryo transfer (if embryos run out) without PGD
PGD 24
NIPT analysis
Change of the SM at the request of the Clients or the doctor’s recommendations in the event of no pregnancy after unsuccessful ET (recruitment and examination, execution of a notarial contract)
Collecting sperm by the method of TESA
Reduction with full medical provision (at the request of parents)
Childcare assistance
Providing medical insurance for a surrogate mother in case of an unforeseen situation during pregnancy or at birth that will be issued from the 12th week of pregnancy. Surcharge at the request of Clients in case of change of SM.
DNA test to confirm paternity, which the Embassy may additionally require (in unexpected cases) payment for one child
Staying in a maternity hospital / hospital / apartment with a newborn child with one of the Attorney’s staff in case of a delay in the arrival of the Clients
Screening a newborn baby (heel prick test)
Organization of the collection and preservation of umbilical cord blood of a newborn child / children by the laboratory
If, after the start of the program, the Clients did not come to the clinic for the collection of biomaterial at the appointed time, they undertake to pay an additional fee to restore the program
Type of housing “Private Apartment” with a 1 bedroom room (without a hall) and a separate kitchen – 40 € per night.
Type of housing “Private Apartment” with 2 bedrooms (without a hall) and a separate kitchen – 50 € per night. Maid 40 € / day (8 hours without accommodation)
Maid 25 € / night (living together with the Couple)
3 meals a day (menu of Ukrainian and European cuisine) – 25 € / day
3 Type of housing “Family Apartment” + maid + food – 70 € / day.Accommodation for two families in a comfortable apartment up to 170 square meters with a maid, separate rooms and bathrooms.
(housing – € 30 per day, maid € 15 per day, 3 meals a day – € 25 per day (menu of Ukrainian and European cuisine)
Surrogacy is the kind of infertility treatment which is used as assisted reproductive technology. It gives the possibility to have genetically own child, having a diagnosis of infertility. This method of treatment presupposes that the surrogate mother carry a child, conceived with the help of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), using the cells of the Biological parents or donors. The surrogate mother has no rights to the baby after the birth, and only Biological parents are legal parents. The “VittoriaVita” is working in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation, and guarantees confidentiality and reliability.
Our surrogacy agency collaborates with competent and highly-experienced IVF and surrogacy specialists. For infertility treatment our surrogacy agency “VittoriaVita” can offer you these kinds of surrogacy programs:
International surrogacy program “Guarantee” is the program which offers you the IVF with donor’s cells and surrogacy with unlimited IVF attempts until pregnancy. The standard program includes: preparation and organization, all financial expenses for surrogate mother, IVF and ICSI, different types of supporting services (airport transfer, accommodation, food, excursions in Kiev, children’s doctor and the nurse for the newborn, the newborn’s photo album “an extract from maternity hospital”, services of translator, monitoring and control of the program). This international surrogacy program includes also a selection of the child’s gender, the change of surrogate mother if needed, genetic analysis of embryos – PGD for 24 chromosomes.
Surrogacy program “Success» includes one attempt of embryotransfer into surrogate mother’s uterine cavity using embryos created with donor’s eggs. This international surrogacy program includes the cost of the main services, with additional payment for second and next IVF attempts, and a number of other additional payments.
Surrogacy program “Victory” includes one attempt of embryotransfer into surrogate mother’s uterine cavity, using embryos created with eggs and sperm of the Biological parents. The price includes the price for main services, with an additional payment for repeated IVF attempts, and a number of other additional payments.