Surrogacy Motherhood

The oldest child in the world 09.12.2020

The oldest child in the world

On October 26, in thе USA, a gіrl wаs born, with an еmbryo that lay frоzen for 28 years. An anonymous couple undеrwent in vіtro fertilizatіon in 1992. And after a successful procedure, she left healthy embryos, which they donated to the needs of other infertile couples.
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Surrogacy in Mexico 06.11.2020

Surrogacy in Mexico

In Mexico, as in the United States, there is no law that regulates the field of surrogacy. But if there is no ban, it does not mean that there is a permission. Until recently, Tabasco was the center of surrogacy, where people came from all over the world. The situation changed in 2016, when the government made significant changes to the legislation.
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Surrogacy in Denmark 09.10.2020

Surrogacy in Denmark

Denmark is a leading country in terms of the number of children born as a result of assisted reproductive technologies (about 10% of the total number of babies). But with surrogacy, things are not as good here as with IVF. Let's explain why.
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Surrogacy in the world 08.10.2020

Surrogacy in the world

Surrogate motherhood remains the cause of disputes on moral and ethical issues, it is not recognized by the Catholic Church, and in some countries criminal liability is provided for violations of the law in this area. What is the situation with the use of surrogacy in the world — where it is allowed and where it is forbidden?
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Surrogacy in Belgium 18.08.2020

Surrogacy in Belgium

Surrogacy in Belgium is not regulated by law, but is actively practiced. Belgium is one of the countries where surrogacy is not regulated at the legislative level. There are no specific regulations that would prohibit or allow the use of the services of surrogate mothers.
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Surrogacy in Europe 18.08.2020

Surrogacy in Europe

In most European countries, surrogacy is prohibited. In some countries, violation of the law in this area entails serious punishment (in Austria, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Estonia).
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Surrogacy in Switzerland 31.01.2020

Surrogacy in Switzerland

Surrogacy in Switzerland is strictly prohibited by law. On January 1, 2001, Switzerland adopted the Law on Assisted Reproductive Technologies, which is one of the toughest in the world.
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