Surrogacy in the world 08.10.2020

Surrogacy in the world

Surrogate motherhood remains the cause of disputes on moral and ethical issues, it is not recognized by the Catholic Church, and in some countries criminal liability is provided for violations of the law in this area. What is the situation with the use of surrogacy in the world — where it is allowed and where it is forbidden?
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Spermogram 01.10.2020


The number of infertile married couples has been growing continuously for 20 years. There is an erroneous belief that most of them cannot have children due to the women’s health problems. But according to research, male infertility occurs no less than female infertility, in 50% of cases. Therefore, we do not have to underestimate men’s health problems.
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Surrogacy in Belgium 18.08.2020

Surrogacy in Belgium

Surrogacy in Belgium is not regulated by law, but is actively practiced. Belgium is one of the countries where surrogacy is not regulated at the legislative level. There are no specific regulations that would prohibit or allow the use of the services of surrogate mothers.
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Surrogacy in Europe 18.08.2020

Surrogacy in Europe

In most European countries, surrogacy is prohibited. In some countries, violation of the law in this area entails serious punishment (in Austria, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Estonia).
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Surrogacy in Switzerland 31.01.2020

Surrogacy in Switzerland

Surrogacy in Switzerland is strictly prohibited by law. On January 1, 2001, Switzerland adopted the Law on Assisted Reproductive Technologies, which is one of the toughest in the world.
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