Surrogacy in Russia 30.12.2020

Surrogacy in Russia

Surrogacy is legalized in Russia, but couples can face the number of difficulties after the birth of a child. The legislation doesn't fully reflect the features and procedure for regulating the field of reproductive medicine, where there are many gaps and shortcomings.
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Surrogacy in Brazil 23.12.2020

Surrogacy in Brazil

Surrogacy is allowed in Brazil, but there is one interesting point. The surrogate mother must have family ties with one of the potential parents of the child.
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Varicocele 15.12.2020


Until recently, it was believed that a sterile marriage is usually due to a woman's health problems. But modern research shows that male infertility accounts for approximately 45-49% of all cases.
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The oldest child in the world 09.12.2020

The oldest child in the world

On October 26, in thе USA, a gіrl wаs born, with an еmbryo that lay frоzen for 28 years. An anonymous couple undеrwent in vіtro fertilizatіon in 1992. And after a successful procedure, she left healthy embryos, which they donated to the needs of other infertile couples.
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IVF chances of success 08.12.2020

IVF chances of success

If pregnancy does not occur for a long period of time, the couple should think about undergoing an examination and possible in vitro fertilization. The reproductologist, gynecologist and andrologist provide a conclusion with a description of the problem, and possible ways to solve it, having studied all the features of the partners.
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