Surrogacy in England ( United Kingdom)

Surrogacy in England ( United Kingdom)
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In England ( United Kingdom) surrogacy is legal for citizens of United Kingdom only. Surrogates can offer their services in England exclusively on a free basis.


Legality icon
United Kingdom became one of the first states to introduce the concept of surrogacy into legislation. Surrogacy services were prohibited in England for a long time. This method of infertility treatment in United Kingdom was legalized, but on a non-commercial basis.

The United Kingdom Legislative Commission is going to create a national register of surrogates, so that children have the opportunity to get information about their birth in future.
The law prohibits advertising of surrogacy in England, while allowing the activities of non-commercial organizations that promote the dissemination of information about it.
If a married couple is lucky enough to find a surrogate mother who agrees to carry a child for them on a free basis, they will be able to become legal parents only after receiving a “parental order” in court.

To receive this order a married couple should prove that they have reimbursed the surrogate mother for all expenses related to medical examination, IVF, pregnancy and childbirth. The surrogate mother is legally entitled to compensation for such costs.
Otherwise, the surrogate mother is recognized as the child’s mother. Such a child will have neither citizenship nor legal parents.

Surrogacy in England is legal only on a free basis for citizens of the United Kingdom. The commercialization of surrogacy is a criminal offense.


Cost icon
It is an overwhelming task to find a surrogate mother who will be ready to carry on a free basis for a infertile couple.The search can take more than one year, so childless couples go to countries where surrogacy is legal for infertility treatment.
Ukraine is one of the few European countries where commercial surrogacy is allowed by law. In Ukraine, there is a wide selection of fertility treatment centers, including VittoriaVita.
VittoriaVita offers programs with the cost € 36,000-50,000.

A surrogate mother in Ukraine – who is she?

A surrogate mother is an adult capable girl who, agrees to carry and give birth to a child for an infertile married couple on a free basis and meets the requirements:

  • age 19-35 years
  • native healthy child
  • positive blood Rh factor
  • citizenship of Ukraine
  • written consent of the spouse
  • absence of contraindications to participation in the program
  • absence of chronic diseases
  • psychological readiness
  • no history of delivery by caesarean section

Before the start of the program, the girl signs an agreement with the married couple that protects the rights and determines the obligations of the parties.

Why is Ukraine the leader of surrogacy in the world?

The field of assisted reproductive technologies in Ukraine is at a high level. Now infertile couples do not need to travel abroad for infertility treatment and quality medical care.
On the contrary, married couples from all over the world come to Ukrainian centers of reproductive technologies for the sake of high-quality medical procedures and results. Surrogacy and other methods of assisted reproductive technologies are rapidly developing in Ukraine. What are the advantages of infertility treatment in Ukrainian clinics?

High level of medical care

There are a large number of assisted reproductive technology clinics in Ukraine, most of which are united in the Ukrainian Association of Reproductive Medicine.
The quality of the provided medical services is strictly controlled at the legislative level. The law allows infertility treatment to be carried out in medical institutions that have received the appropriate accreditation.

Affordable cost of programs

Prices for fertility treatment programs in Ukraine are among the lowest in the world. Along with the high quality of medical care, this is becoming a determining factor for infertile couples who are faced with the choice of a country for infertility treatment.


The field of surrogacy is under the strict control of the law. The centers operate under a contract that protects the rights of program participants. The law does not limit the amount of financial remuneration for a surrogate mother.

Ability to combine different fertility treatments

A wide range of methods of assisted reproductive technologies allows solving infertility problems even in the case of difficult diagnoses. Surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, donation of germ cells – all these methods are legal and, in combination, help to become parents even for those couples who have lost hope of a miracle.

Registration of a complete package of documents for a newborn

The cost of surrogacy programs includes paperwork for the child. The names of the biological mother and father are immediately entered on the birth certificate without any legal proceedings.

Wide range of surrogacy centers

A large number of centers for assisted reproductive technologies work in Ukraine, many of which have created their own sperm banks, databases for surrogate mothers and egg donors
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