Surrogacy in Mexico

Surrogacy in Mexico
In this article:

In Mexico, as in the United States, there is no law that regulates the field of surrogacy. But if there is no ban, it does not mean that there is a permission.

Until recently, Tabasco was the center of surrogacy, where people came from all over the world. The situation changed in 2016, when the government made significant changes to the legislation.


Legality icon
Surrogacy in Tabasco state became legal in 1997. Over the years, Tabasco has hosted a large number of foreigners from all over the world who wanted to use the services of Mexican surrogates.
The incredible popularity of surrogacy as a source of an additional income for Mexican women was due to the low standard of living. Surrogates spent the money earned in the program to pay off their debts and feed their family.
The number of people who came to Mexico to participate in the program increased significantly after India banned foreign citizens and same-sex couples from using the services of Indian surrogates.
In 2014, Thailand followed the example of India, after which the number of foreigners who came to Mexico in search of surrogates increased significantly.
The influx of potential parents into the country grew, the Mexican government could not provide surrogate mothers with proper legal and medical protection, and the process became uncontrolled.
Mexican surrogates gave birth to children year after year, many of them suffering from concomitant complications after multiple births. The government has decided to impose strict restrictions to regulate the field of reproductive technologies in the country.
Surrogacy in Mexico is only allowed for heterosexual couples with Mexican citizenship who can confirm the infertility diagnosis with documentation.
Programs are not available for foreigners. To use the services of a Mexican surrogate mothers are also prohibited to single persons and same-sex couples.
In Mexico, there are still agencies that work with married couples from the United States on a scheme that allows you to reduce costs: medical examinations + IVF in Mexico and childbirth in the United States. Such activities are illegal and entail criminal liability.

The cost

Cost icon
It is forbidden by law to pay a material remuneration to a surrogate mother, she can bear and give birth to a child for a couple only from altruistic motives.
The basic expenses of a married couple for medical support, accompanying expenses during pregnancy and childbirth are about $ 50000-70000.
Surrogacy programs in Ukraine are much cheaper even taking into account the financial remuneration of surrogates.
For example, the Agency VittoriaVita has developed comprehensive programs worth 36,000-50,000 Euros.

Countries where surrogacy is legal

Surrogate motherhood is an ambiguous and complex topic that causes many contradictions. Most States have rejected this method of infertility treatment. Consider the countries where surrogacy is legalized:


Ukraine is one of the countries where surrogacy is legalized.

  • a large selection of reproductive medicine clinics that work under a contract,
  • affordable price,
  • registration of documents for a child,
  • the birth certificate immediately includes the names of mom and dad,
  • protection of the rights of surrogates, couples and children,
  • the ability to combine different methods of infertility treatment,
  • high level of medicine in clinics that are engaged in examination, IVF, pregnancy management.

Among the disadvantages: surrogates do not have the right to use the services of homosexual couples.

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The United States of America is the first country in the world to use surrogacy in infertility treatment programs.

  • the child receives American citizenship immediately after birth and can get a second citizenship of the country where they will go with their parents,
  • by law parental rights belong to the biological father and mother,
  • for the right to use the services of surrogate mothers is not affected by gender, orientation and marital status.


  • in the United States, there is no General law that regulates the field of assisted reproductive technologies,
  • high cost of programs ($90,000 – $130,000).

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Surrogacy has been legal in Canada since 2004.

  • single parents and gay couples have the right to use surrogate services,
  • affordable cost of programs, since the couple only pays for medical expenses, IVF, pregnancy and childbirth. In Canada, it is forbidden to pay money to a surrogate mother.


  • the use of surrogate motherhood for profit is punishable by law (fine, imprisonment).

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In Brazil, there is no single regulation that regulates the field of reproductive medicine.

  • surrogacy is allowed on an altruistic basis without financial remuneration to the surrogate,
  • to use the services of surrogate mothers can gay couples and single girls for medical reasons.

The main drawback: only a relative can be a surrogate.

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