Surrogacy in Brazil

Surrogacy in Brazil
In this article:

Surrogacy is allowed in Brazil, but there is one interesting point. The surrogate mother must have family ties with one of the potential parents of the child.


Legality icon
The attitude to the assisted reproductive technologies in the world remains ambiguous; public opinion largely depends on the position of the government and of the church. In most countries, this method of infertility treatment is prohibited, in some countries there is no clear regulatory framework that would regulate the field of the ART.

In Brazil, surrogacy is not prohibited and is practiced, but only a relative can carry a child for a couple. It is not always possible to find a surrogate mother among the relatives, so Brazilian couples who want to become parents go abroad for searching the suitable clinic.
Surrogacy in Brazil is allowed, but you can only look for a surrogate mother among relatives.

The cost

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So far as it is not always possible to find a relative who will agree to carry a baby for a married couple, Brazilians are forced to go abroad to find a surrogate mother.
Every year infertile couples come to Ukraine to participate in fertility treatment programs from all over the world. There are a large number of the reproductive medicine centers in the country, including VittoriaVita, a surrogacy agency that develops and supports individual comprehensive programs, which costs from 36.000 to 50.000 euro.

Surrogate mother in Ukraine – who is she?

A surrogate mother is a woman who agrees to carry a child for an infertile couple. The surrogate mother has no genetic connection with the baby, because biological parents provide materials for the fertilization. The woman receives financial reward for her services.
A girl who decided to become a surrogate mother must meet a number of requirements:

  • age from 19 to 35 years old,
  • citizenship of Ukraine,
  • good health,
  • having healthy child / children,
  • without cesarean section,
  • positive rhesus factor,
  • healthy lifestyle,
  • spouse consent.

The woman undergoes an examination, according to the results of which the doctor issues a conclusion about her readiness to participate in the program. The surrogate mother signs a contract with a married couple, which is a guarantee of the protection of her rights.

More information

Ukraine is the leader of the surrogacy

Ukraine is considered to be a center of surrogacy in the world for a number of reasons:

High level of medicine

The quality of medical services is provided by reproductive medicine clinics and strictly controlled by law. Only medical institutions with appropriate accreditation are entitled to use the assisted reproductive technologies.


Almost all methods of assisted reproductive technologies are legal in Ukraine. Surrogacy agencies work under a contract that protects the rights of genetic parents, surrogate mother and child. The procedure for conducting fertility treatment programs is strictly regulated at the legislative level.

Affordable prices

Ukraine is one of the cheapest countries in the field of medicine. The average cost of a surrogacy program is quite affordable for people who cannot afford similar services in their country.

Paperwork for a child

Biological parents do not need to worry about processing documents for a child for the embassy, since legal support is included in the cost of the program.
The names of the parents are signed in the birth certificate, there is no need to adopt a baby.

Wide range of reproductive technology centers

In Ukraine today there is a large number of the surrogacy agencies that work under a contract in accordance with Ukrainian legislation.
Large centers of reproductive technologies create their own bases of surmothers and germ cell donors. Agencies offer a wide range of fertility treatment programs, an individual approach and the full support for all participants.
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