Ethical Issues of Surrogacy

Ethical Issues of Surrogacy
In this article:

The problem of infertility and surrogacy

Infertility is the inability of a married couple to get pregnant and give birth throughout the year, with an active sex life, without using contraceptives. Now this problem is widespread and relevant. According to WHO statistics, more than 20% of couples cannot conceive or give birth to children. And the number of such couples is growing every year.
There are a lot of reasons, both concern men and women. Poor sperm and egg quality, problems with ejaculation and disruptions in the ovulatory cycle, genetic health problems and many more. But medicine does not stand still, and is actively developing various reproductive technologies to help couples with such the problems. And despite of the large number of infertile couples, many of them already have children, thanks to in vitro fertilization, gamete donation and surrogacy. The last one is one of the most successful methods, because it involves a completely healthy woman who carries and gives birth to a child without the risk of loss. Surrogacy is a reproductive assistive technology in which a fertilized egg from a donor mother is introduced into the recipient mother’s uterus, and a child is born with the genes of biological parents.

Ethical problems of surrogacy in the modern world

There are many opinions and controversies about the surrogacy motherhood, its essence lies in the fact that a surrogate mother can give birth to a healthy child for those who, for various reasons, cannot do it on their own. Recently, a social survey was conducted in a country where surrogacy is allowed, which showed that 64% of respondents believe that the law cannot prohibit the program and treat it positively, 27% do not think about it or are neutral, and 9% want to prohibit surrogacy by law. as they consider it unethical and contrary to different principles.

But still, using this reproductive technology, you may stumble upon such ethical condemnations from society:

  • Child trafficking;
  • The body of a woman is equated to an incubator;
  • It is a way to cash in on the grief of the others;
  • The violation of the genetic connection between the child and biological parents;
  • Negative impact on the mental health of parents and surrogate mother.

There are the arguments of people who are against SM. More often, they say it, having their own children and a full family. Therefore, we do not have to take them into account.

After all, they do not think about the positive aspects of this program:

  1. Sometimes this is the only chance for a married couple to become parents and have their own happiness at home;
  2. For a surrogate mother, this is an opportunity to solve her material problems, and sometimes just to help infertile people with good intentions.

We can assure you that our center will help you to cope with all the difficulties. You can prevent the negative effects on the mental health of parents and surrogate mothers with the help of sessions with our psychologist. A specialist will be with you throughout your pregnancy. You will receive reports on your emotional and physical condition, which will help you better understand the situation and avoid the negative consequences.
Surrogacy is not about exploiting women. The surrogate mother voluntarily decides to participate in this. For her help, she receives material support, but the majority also receive a moral satisfaction from the brought benefits.

Based on researches and surveys, we can confidently say that about 52% of women become surrogate mothers not because of material interest, but simply they want to help couples to have their child. One of the mothers said, “I will not stop the war, I will not help all those in need, but I want and can change the life of a married couple by making them parents.” And this is proved by many countries where monetary reward for the program is prohibited, but still there are many women giving birth for others.

Religious attitude towards surrogacy is also an important component in making decision. In Judaism, this technology is treated positively. As for Christianity, Islam and other religions, they do not show their explicit approval, but fulfilling all the requirements is more than possible.

And yet the reproduction society has formulated the following ethical principles:

  • Voluntary agreement from the both sides;
  • Responsibility for the life and health of the child by the surrogate mother;
  • Assistance to a surrogate mother only under the contract and under the supervision of lawyers;
  • Expenses for medical services and other needs are covered by prospective parents;
  • Termination of pregnancy if medically indicated.


There are many couples in the world for whom surrogacy is the only chance to have a full family.

There are many arguments for surrogacy:

  • Surrogacy is one of the ways to overcome the demographic crisis;
  • Opportunity for homosexual couples to have a child genetically related to one of them;
  • Financial assistance with the problems of a surrogate mother;
  • A blood-related child;
  • Biological mother has the opportunity to further pursue a career, travel and do not limit physical activity.

This reproductive technology has as admirers and so as the opponents, but each one decides his own attitude and his own destiny. Someone may be afraid of condemnation, while someone may already be holding their child in their arms.

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