Requirements for surrogate mothers

A surrogate mother is a woman who carries and gives birth to a child for an infertile couple. Aber nicht jeder kann But not everyone can become a surrogate mother, what are the requirements for one?

Requirements for a surrogate mother

  • Age of surrogate ranges from 19 to 36 years old

    The age requirements for a surrogate mother are clearly established, as this age is ideal for carrying a child.

  • Own child

    The surrogate mother must have healthy children born, as a confirmation that the woman will be able to bear a healthy child for the couple.

  • BMI (body mass index) is not more than 32

    Body mass index is an important criterion for a surrogate mother because it affects the health of both the baby and the woman. In order to participate in the program, it must be in the range from 19 to 32 kg/m2.

  • Citizenship

    Citizenship is an equally important criterion for choosing a surrogate mother. According to the legislation of Ukraine, only women with Ukrainian citizenship are allowed to participate in the program.

  • Rh-positive

    The Rhesus blood factor must be positive. A woman with a negative Rh has a high probability of Rh-conflict with the fetus during pregnancy.

  • Strong health

    To participate in the surrogacy program, a woman must have no diseases that could complicate childbirth and the course of pregnancy. Another important criterion is the absence of bad habits (smoking, drug and alcohol use are strictly prohibited).

  • Mental toughness

    A candidate for a surrogate mother must be morally and psychologically stable, this is very important, because in the next 9 months, the woman’s body will be the home for the baby and all emotions will affect him or her.

What kind of examination should the surrogate mother undergo?

Intended surrogate mothers must undergo a medical screening. At the gestational surrogacy center VittoriaVita, the examination is provided to candidates free of charge. In advance, women sign their consent for examinations.

These examinations help to identify and prevent diseases that will become an obstacle to the normal course of pregnancy and process of childbirth:

  • general urine and blood test

  • ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvic organs

  • gynecological examination

  • vaginal smear for microflora, tests for sex hormones and sexually transmitted infections

  • fluorography

  • test for blood group and Rh factor

  • diagnosing other possible infections

Women also consult an obstetrician-gynecologist, a general practitioner and other doctors as needed.

Other rules of surrogacy

In addition to the above requirements, the surrogacy program has several other features. They are also no less important. We note the following among them:

  • Friends and relatives of biological parents can also participate in the program, if they are not closely related;

  • Surrogate mother has the right to demand a monetary reward previously agreed upon. Participation may be free of charge by agreement of the parties;

  • The baby’s biological parents fully cover all expenses (for food, clothes, medical services, IVF, etc.);

  • A surrogate mother cannot participate in the program and be an egg donor at the same time;

  • All rights and obligations of both parties are fixed in the contract;

  • The surrogate mother must write a relinquishment of the child after giving birth so that the biological parents’ names will be stated on the birth certificate.

The requirements for surrogate motherhood are clearly defined and we, the VittoriaVita surrogate motherhood center, follow them. Therefore, we assure you that participation in the program will be as professional and safe as possible.