VittoriaVita participated in the informational and educational event Kinderwunsch Tage Berlin

VittoriaVita participated in the informational and educational event Kinderwunsch Tage Berlin
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VittoriaVita’s team of experts participated in the informational and educational event Kinderwunsch Tage Berlin, which took place in Germany on March 18-19.

Specialists from all over the world, who work in the field of reproductive medicine and help infertile couples to become parents, gathered in the capital of Germany during those days.

All those who wished had the opportunity to attend the lectures by leading experts, learn about modern methods of infertility treatment and other reproductive health problems, talk with the specialists, and receive advice.

According to VittoriaVita company representative Oksana Bigun, the exhibition visitors were mostly interested in IVF and Surrogacy services.

VittoriaVita has been successfully implementing these kinds of programs for many years in a row, so our clients who already became parents recommend us to their friends. A lot of these people also came to meet us in Berlin,Oksana Bighun said.

It was nice to meet our potential clients. Each of them has their own story of struggle with infertility, but they all have one thing in common – a strong dream of parenthood. I am convinced that we will be able to help them,added Ivanna Olefir, client manager.

It is worth noting that the next similar meetings will be held in Milan, Paris, and Cologne. Follow the event announcements. We will be glad to see you.

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