Do you need some rest in IVF procedures?

Do you need some rest in IVF procedures?
In this article:

The rest in vitro fertilization procedures is one of the recommendations of most doctors. Some experts advise lying for 15-25 minutes after IVF, others insist on the need to limit physical activity for a day or even several days.

In Israeli clinics, after embryo transfer, a three-day rest is recommended, after which you can live a normal life without lifting weights and without racking the nervous system. By the way, it is in Israel that IVF is available to the majority of the population due to state support.

In the journal Fertility and Sterility, statistics were published that refute the need for rest after IVF. During the study, some of the women lay down for 10 minutes after the procedure. The rest began to walk immediately after fertilization. In the “active” group, the pregnancy rate was higher!

How to behave during preparation for IVF and after ovarian puncture?

The first stage of IVF is a course of hormonal therapy to stimulate ovulation. On these days, it is worth refusing to drink alcohol, and discussing the intake of other medications with your doctor. This is followed by follicular puncture of the ovaries – the extraction of mature eggs.

The process lasts about 15 minutes, while the patient is under anesthesia. In most cases, the body’s recovery takes place in a couple of days. With a high follicular response, capillary bleeding occurs. Of course, you shouldn’t exercise on the day of the puncture. Relative rest after the procedure will be beneficial in any case, but you need absolute rest only if you have ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) diagnosed by a doctor.

How does embryo transfer take place and what should a woman do after it?

After fertilization of the eggs, the embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity using a thin catheter and it is done under ultrasound control. The process is painless and does not require anesthesia. In most clinics, women are strongly advised to lie down for 15-20 minutes after the procedure. But this precaution has no scientific basis.
Sometimes the transfer of a previously frozen fetus is performed. Cryopreservation allows fewer embryos to be transferred to reduce the likelihood of multiple pregnancies. Another advantage of freezing is that there is no need to undergo hormonal treatment repeatedly. After all, you can always use the remaining embryos if the re-fertilization is needed.

Also if during the IVF procedure and ovarian puncture it is possible to obtain a lot of eggs, and after fertilization there are more embryos left, they can be saved with the help of cryopreservation. When the couple is ready to conceive a child in the future, the embryos are thawed and used for embryo transfer or for repeated attempts in case of a previously negative outcome.

It takes about two weeks from the moment of artificial insemination to confirmation of pregnancy using a blood test for HCG. These 14 days can seem like an eternity for a woman and it causes the fears associated with the possibility of disrupting the process of the birth of a new life.
Considering a number of scientific studies, it is safe to say that bed rest after embryo transfer is not necessary. Moreover, a sharp decrease in physical activity can lead to a deterioration of blood supply in the small pelvis.

Let’s single out a number of reasoned advice:

  • Walk in the fresh air.
  • Do not sit for too long.
  • Drink enough water, eat a lot of protein foods.
  • Avoid stressful situations, overexertion – both physical and mental, emotional.

The last point is especially important, because anxiety and worries are considered the main enemies of IVF. With a natural onset of pregnancy, the potential mother often does not know about her position, continuing to play sports, work and have fun. And only with artificial insemination, a woman knows for sure at what point the embryos enter the uterus. That is why the fear of doing something wrong arises. In fact, it is enough to stop any activities that cause fatigue or irritation. Do not be afraid to ask loved ones for care and attention, have a positive mood and expect positive results!

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