IVF success rates over 40

IVF success rates over 40
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Some people believe that if a woman turns 40, she will not be able to fulfill her lifelong dream of becoming a mother. However, this opinion is erroneous, despite the fact that at this age, reproductive function and the likelihood of egg fertilization decreases. The specialists of the “VittoriaVita” center will help you to know the happiness of motherhood using the IVF method.

Is IVF possible after 40?

Starting from the average statistical data, modern experts argue that a woman’s reproductive capacity lasts, approximately, up to 45 years. That is, during this period, she can successfully endure and give birth to a baby without problems. After the onset of menopause (50-55 years), the chances of natural fertilization are significantly reduced.

IVF is very popular because many European women seek to have children after achieving certain life goals. Of course, by this time the body loses its resources. But, you shouldn’t despair, because in vitro fertilization of an egg or IVF will help solve this problem.

Chances of getting pregnant after 40 years using IVF

A few decades ago, there was a skeptical attitude towards pregnancy after 40 not only from the side of society, but also from doctors. But today this phenomenon is practically the norm. Modern specialists in gynecology and obstetrics give positive answers to the questions of late fertilization with IVF.

However, every adult woman who wants to become a mother in such way needs to understand that a younger body has a better chance of fertilization. The success of the procedure directly depends on the functionality of the ovaries, the quality of the reproductive material, the number of suitable eggs, as well as the age category.

HToday you can see negative opinions regarding IVF after 40, which are left by unqualified “specialists”, forums, ordinary people with a skeptical attitude, etc. However, such reviews should not influence your desire to become a mother. After all, statistics show that, depending on age, the percentage of natural fertilization is significantly reduced:

  • 35 – 40 years old – the probability of conceiving a child does not exceed 30%;
  • 40 – 45 years – fertilization is possible, but observed in no more than 20% of women;
  • 45 – 50 years – pregnancy occurs in rare cases, namely in no more than 5% of women.

· 45 – 50 years – pregnancy occurs in rare cases, namely in no more than 5% of women.
If a woman was able to become pregnant without medical assistance after 45 years, then this phenomenon is perceived by gynecologists and obstetricians as unique. If natural fertilization is not possible, then contact the services of the “VittoriaVita” center. High-level specialists will conduct IVF, which increases the chance of getting pregnant by 45-50%. Do not forget that the success of fertilization directly depends on the following factors:

  • age category;
  • the presence of pathologies of the reproductive organs and systemic ailments;
  • infertility and its causes.

IVF manipulation is possible only after the patient undergoes a complete medical examination.

Possible risks with IVF after 40 years

Any woman can face complications after IVF, especially when it comes to older patients. Do not panic, because pregnant women after 30 also need close medical attention. The main risks are presented below.

Dysfunction of the liver

This problem often arises in those who take hard drugs, for example, stimulants, antibiotics, etc. Hormonal drugs also negatively affect the functioning of this organ, therefore, before fertilizing your own eggs, you need to provide the liver with rest.

The emergence of cardiomyopathy

It occurs due to damage to the myocardium (thick heart muscle). It leads to severe weakness, acute pain in the heart, attacks of suffocation, even in a dormancy. There may be swelling of the lower extremities. An excess of hormones increases the amount of estrogen, which leads to muscle weakness and impaired protein metabolism.

Problems with the thyroid gland

The functioning of the organ is impaired due to hyperstimulation of the maturation of a large number of healthy eggs. An increased load on the female body with hormones sometimes provokes the development of autoimmune thyroiditis. The main symptoms: intolerance to bright light and heat, severe lacrimation, weight loss, muscle spasms, insomnia, tachycardia, tearfulness, fatigue.


In some countries, studies have been carried out showing that the formation of breast and ovarian cancer can be observed three years after IVF. The cause of the development of the disease is the stimulation of ovulation in the follicles, which leads to the formation of a large number of eggs.

An increase of the level of estrogen in the blood also negatively affects. Considering these features, the specialists of the VittoriaVita center insist on performing an ultrasound scan and X-ray of the breast, checking the uterus, passing a test for the CA 125 tumor marker before performing the procedure.

Alternative options for motherhood

If for some reason it is impossible to fertilize your own eggs, you can use alternative methods:

Surrogate motherhood – is one of the types of IVF, which is used in case of impossibility of bearing a fetus by a woman for health reasons. Her egg is artificially fertilized by her husband’s sperm, after which the embryo is transferred to the surrogate mother’s uterus. She carries and gives birth to a child, but is not legally his mother. All rights to the baby are transferred to the genetic parents.
IVF with donor egg – is used in case of non-functionality, structural disorder, ovarian depletion, genetic ailments, infertility. A donor egg is used, which is fertilized by the husband’s sperm. After that, the embryo is transferred to the uterus of the intended mother. That is, a woman carries and gives birth to a baby herself.

VittoriaVita” center has been providing IVF services for more than one year, performing its work efficiently. The best Ukrainian qualified specialists will work with you using high-quality equipment and materials. We are ready to help European couples become parents and enjoy all the pleasures of a fulfilling family life.

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