What happens after fertilization?

What happens after fertilization?
In this article:

Soon after fertilization of egg cell, doctor sets  a day of embryo transfer into the uterus. This process is carried out under the thorough  supervision of embryologist in 2-5 days after IVF fertilization of egg cell. After that, many women do not know how to behave in the next two weeks. What should they pay attention to? Which diet is necessary for this period? What happens after fertilization? How do these changes affect the body?

Activity. It is necessary to eliminate any sport and physical activity. 1 day after the transfer is better to stay in bed, it is undesirable to take a shower and to overheat or supercool. To have successful IVF procedure and get pregnant, experts recommend relaxing walks in the fresh air. Thanks to them, the body receives more oxygen and the embryo can easily catch on.

A woman’s body. As a rule, during and after the implantation woman does not feel anything. But after transfer is necessary to pay attention to some of the processes:

  1. ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. A woman should take care of her health. If after ivf she feels a headache, abdominal pain, puffiness – she should immediately visit a doctor.
  2. The level of hormones in the blood. She should pass a blood test for the hormones estradiol and progesterone three times – on the day of embryo transfer,on day 7 after it, and on day 14.
  3. The basal temperature and temperature of body. It is necessary to measure these indicators every day, if within 3 days basal temperature will be less than 37, you should obligingly consult a doctor.

To increase the chances of pregnancy with ivf, woman should look after her condition. If you have the slightest doubt – you should consult a physician.

Human diet. After ivf, change the human diet is very dangerous for pregnancies, it is not necessary to overeat or starve. If it is changed, the body begins to redevelop and pregnancy can not occur. Include in your diet foods without conservatives, fermented dairy food, eat more vegetables and fruit. Doctors recommend to avoid such products as: peas, smoked food, mushrooms, flour and sweet.

The sexual life. Doctors strongly recommend to avoid sexual relations with a partner. This can be painful and unpleasant after ivf fertilization .

Sedatives. Two weeks before HGG analysis are very important and exciting for every woman. Even all those stages which the woman passes during the preparation for the transfer according to the ivf timeline. To embryo catch on, psychologists recommend to take sedatives, because the production of adrenaline may negatively affect the implantation process. If you follow all the recommendations and instructions of the doctor, you will have more chances of success. Schedule of medicine reception and other details are specified in the ivf calendar.

Time from embryo transfer to the HGG analysis is an ordeal for any woman. This is the time you need to spend with the benefit for you and the future baby. Even if a woman does a test in 14 days after ivf and pregnancy is confirmed, you still have 9 months ahead. Future mom should look after her health and follow all the doctor’s instructions. The health of future child depends on how well the mother will look after her.

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