ART in Ukraine

ART in Ukraine
In this article:

IVF is one of the methods of the infertility treatment, which is absolutely legal in Ukraine and is regulated by the law. Nowadays, there are 34 center for reproductive medicine, which are aimed at the treatment of infertility in accordance with the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European society of human reproduction and embryology (ESHRE).

Ukrainian reproductologists are constantly working to improve their qualifications and professional level. For example, they take part in specialized workshops and forums of human reproduction and embryology, are trained in the best clinics of the world and share their experiences. By the way, in may of 2016 hosted the international Symposium on “Reproductive medicine in Ukraine – 25 years of success”.

Clinics of assisted reproductive technologies collaborate with leading pharmaceutical companies, and this allows using only modern and high-quality medicines for IVF.

Advantages of IVF in Ukraine

    1. High quality  of services at low prices

Thanks to the active work of experts, the level of development of assisted reproductive technologies in Ukraine corresponds to international standards.  The treatment of infertility in Ukraine every year attracts more and more couples from all over the world (UK, Italy, Spain, USA, Australia, China and others). The cost of IVF in Ukrainian clinics is lower than in Europe and the CIS countries, and the quality and experience of doctors bring happiness of being parents.

      2. No long waiting

In comparison with the European countries, in Ukraine there are no queues for the provision of medical services in the field of infertility treatment. For example, in some countries, the customers have several months to wait for their turn to receive a donor egg, while Ukrainian clinics have their own donor base, which already passed all the necessary examinations. This and much more advantages allow foreign citizens to obtain timely assistance in the treatment of infertility.

       3. Qualitative and comfortable service

One of the important factors of quality of service in Ukraine is the availability of staff to speak foreign languages (English, Spanish, German, Italian). This enables customers to feel comfortable and confident.

      4. No  Visa problems

One of the advantages of IVF in Ukraine is an opportunity to visit the country without a visa. It is possible for nationalities of the following countries:

  • European Union countries;
  • American countries: USA, Canada, Panama, Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile;
  • Asia: South Korea, Japan, Israel, Brunei, Turkey, Hong Kong.
  • as well as Andorra, Vatican, Iceland, Monaco, Norway, Switzerland, Montenegro, Bosnia andHerzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Liechtenstein, San Marino.
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