Hysterosalpingography 11.05.2021


Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is a technique used to diagnose the anatomical structure of the inner uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. The doctor checks the integrity, passivity and condition of the uterus and tubes with the help of x-ray contrast fluid.
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Chorionic gonadotropin 07.05.2021

Chorionic gonadotropin

Chorionic gonadotropin or, as doctors like to abbreviate, HCG is one of the most important sex hormones in a woman's body, which is the first laboratory sign of pregnancy. Therefore, it is also known under the name "pregnancy hormone", because it is produced by the chorion after a week of ovulation and 1-2 days after egg implantation.
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Surrogacy pros and cons 05.05.2021

Surrogacy pros and cons

Surrogacy is one of the main achievements of humanity. Throughout history, infertility has been a common problem throughout the world. Every sixth woman cannot have children for medical reasons, and it is not surprising that more and more families are choosing this type of fertilization.
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IVF and surrogacy in the Islamic religion 27.04.2021

IVF and surrogacy in the Islamic religion

Everyone knows Islam is the most strict, conservative and traditional religion. And because of the rapid development of medical technology, there are a lot of bioethical and religious questions about various procedures, methods of treatment, and so on.
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Surrogacy in France 06.04.2021

Surrogacy in France

The most controversial topics for talking and debate all over the globe is surrogacy. Surrogacy has been banned by the Bioethics Act since 1994 in France. The Majority supports the legalization of this meth of treatment for both heterosexual and homosexual couples.
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Surrogacy in Germany 02.04.2021

Surrogacy in Germany

The surrogacy is prohibited by law in Germany. In 1991, the Embryo Protection Act was passed, which severely restricts German reproductive medicine. The law prohibits any medical procedures on the territory of Germany, which entail illegal actions with the nascent human life.
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Surrogacy in Austria 22.02.2021

Surrogacy in Austria

Surrogacy in Austria is prohibited by the Federal law "on reproductive medicine". The country's government makes advances to infertile couples and pays for the first 6 IVF attempts. Childless couples often have to go abroad to solve the problem of infertility. For these purposes, Austrians often choose Ukraine. Surrogacy is prohibited in Austria, so infertile couples go to treat infertility in Ukraine.
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