
Ivan e Alba
(Spagna, 22.02.2019)

Ringraziamo per professionalità e attenzione durante tutto il programma, il nostro manager Giulia, siamo rimasti molto contenti di lei. Tutto ciò che dipendeva da lei veniva sempre risolto molto rapidamente.


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Sara e Adrian
(Spagna, 12.02.2019)

Voglio ringraziare tutto il team VittoriaVita per il loro buon atteggiamento nei nostri confronti fin dall’inizio del processo, per averci costantemente informato su tutto. Per tutto ciò che era e che ci aiutavano con i nostri dubbi e le paure.

Dopo 15 anni di lotta per l’opportunità di essere i genitori e molta sofferenza. Abbiamo avuto molti cicli di fecondazione in vitro senza successo e siamo rimasti molto delusi, ma abbiamo continuato a lottare.

E sempre il nostro sogno ci diceva: “Solo avanti”. Grazie a VittoriaVita con il suo eccellente team professionale e umano, il nostro sogno è diventato realtà. Ora abbiamo i gemelli meravigliosi: Daniel e Natalia.

Vogliamo ringraziare tutto lo staff per il lavoro, ma soprattutto la nostra manager Katya per la sua complicità speciale, e Victoria e Vladimir per il loro aiuto.


21. 02.2019

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Pablo e Maria
(Spagna, 21.01.2019)

Esprimiamo la nostra sincera gratitudine a VittoriaVita, a tutto il personale, ai nostri coordinatori e professionisti, con i quali abbiamo avuto il piacere di comunicare durante il nostro soggiorno a Kiev.

Tutto era come pensavamo, e anche in molti casi avete superato tutte le nostre aspettative.

Grazie per aver realizzato il nostro sogno di diventare genitori.


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Nori Gladys Eliana Basco
(Stati Uniti d’America, 11.06.2018)

Our myriad thanks to “VittoriaVita” for making our dreams of having a baby now a reality.
It was in the last quarter of 2016 when we got in contact with our client coordinator Natalie.

She`s very knowledgeable and my endless questions and inquiries about the gestational surrogacy program were answered. After that, we got the requirements ready. By Mai of 2017, we traveled to Ukraine and met with Natalie and Sergij and other staff of “VittoriaVita”. They`re very nice and very accommodating . We then signed up for the surrogacy program and we were accompanied to the fertility clinic which was very nice. We`re so happy meeting them and we enjoyed our stay in Kiev. After that “VittoriaVita” was so good, they were able to find us a surrogate. We then send our frozen embryos from the USA to Ukraine. We were so happy that with the first attempt our wonderful surrogate got positive results with the pregnancy process. All throughout her pregnancy, we were updated with pregnancy ultrasound reports and reports, lab works, etc. Fast forward to May of 2018, time for our god-guen miracle baby to be born, we immediately flew back to Ukraine. This time we stayed in Zhytomyr. It was the happiest day of our lives being able to finally have our precious baby in our arms. All throughout our stay in Zhytomyr from the birth of our baby to finally flew back to the USA,we`re being taken good care by “VittoriaVita”. Natalie and Vova were always there for our needs.

Again, from the bottom of our grateful hearts, we thanks to “VittoriaVita” for everything. We`re very happy and satisfied with their love and care for us. Thank you very much. To Got be the price , thanks and glary.

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Mario e Eva
(Spagna, 04.06.2018)

La experiencia de gestación subrogada con Vittoria Vita ha sido muy buena. La atención recibida, el cuidado, la comunicación con la intérprete ha sido todo muy bueno.

Nuestra estancia en Zhytomyr genial, una ciudad bonita y agradable. Y el piso es muy cómodo.

El personal que nos ha atendido, Yulia y Vladymir, han sido muy amables y atentos, y cada vez que hemos necesitado algo,

han estado pendientes. En general, todo bien. Nos planteamos repetir.

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Yesica e Armando
(Spagna, 18.05.2018)

No sé como expresar en pocas palabras todos los sentimientos que en estos momentos sentimos.

Han sido muchos años de lucha para conseguir nuestro sueño de ser padres y gracias a ustedes hoy somos las personas más felices del mundo. Nunca podremos pagar el apoyo que hemos sentido por parte de Julia. Con ella hemos reído, hemos llorado. Para nosotros no ha sido una trabajadora más, sino una hermana. Gracias por tu profesionalidad, por tu cercanía,  y respecto a Vladymir es una persona servicial en plan trabajador. Sabemos que nuestra gestante estuvo bien atendida y muy cómoda cada vez que lo necesitó.

Por favor, no cambien nunca. Es un trabajo y negocio, pero ante todo una gran familia.

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Katja e Jussi
(Finlandia, 24.04.2018)

Kiitos koko sydämemme pohjasta koko Vittoria Vitan väelle. Olette tehneet meidän täällä olesta todella hienon.
Olette auttaneet meitä korvaamattomalla tavalla. Olette tehneet meidän unelmista totta.
Erityisesti haluamme kiittää Nataliaa ja Vovaa heidän avusta ja suunnattomasta ystävällisyydestä. Unohtomatta myöskään olenan korvaamatonta apua, joka tässä teki suurimman “työn”.
Kiitos teille kaikille tuhannesti!
Teillä on aina erityinen paikka meidän sydämessä.

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Kaoru e Patrice
(Francia, 16.03.2018)

Nous sommes extrêmement reconnaissants à Vittoria Vita d’avoir changé notre vie pour le meilleur après des années difficiles. Nous remercions chaleureusement l’ensemble des intervenants pour leur dévotion et leur gentillesse.
De tout notre coeur pour nos deux jumeaux.

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Liz Maitland
(Inghilterra, 26.01.2018)

I have been so impressed by Anna’s expertise and kindness that she totally sold your amazing agency to us.
Anna is always on hand to answer questions and give advise…

Anna keeps us uptodate and informed – she answers all her calls and emails within the day. Anna is outstanding – she has become a great friend who we cant wait to meet. Ronald and I have every confidence in her. We were so impressed that she found an exact egg donor for us from her wide data base – with the same features and educational back ground. We would like to thank you and Anna for this amazing opportunity – we are so excited. I have told many other UK surrogates how perfect Anna and your “Guarenteed surrogacy scheme is and I know they will be ringing you to find out more. Thank you both again – it is an amazing gift you are giving couples like us. Best wishes, Liz Maitland

“Review was left after arrival to Ukraine”

I am so glad we choose Anna and Sergii to help us they are incredible. We began our surrogacy journey with them today. They make everything so easy. We had a lovely time with them. Best clinic so quick, kind and helpful – tomorrow we meet our lovely surrogate and I can’t wait. would highly recommend this agency Thank you guys you are the best!

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